Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 7 December 2019


Warm and grey with the occasional heavy shower today.
An afternoon of unpicking the elastic from around the bottom of the four seat sofa cover which will be used to cover the sofa cushions has resulted in me being not a fan of machine overlocking stitching. It took all afternoon and part  of the evening to remove the elastic using my trusty stitch ripper. Out of curiosity I measured the edge of the fabric I had taken the elastic from. It measured 32 feet and the elastic was sewn on both the top and bottom edges. Yes it would have been easier to buy the elastic I need to fit the new sofa cover but in spite of the time it took it would feel wrong to throw out something just because time was needed to make it reusable. At least nowadays my natural thriftiness fits with the calls to save the planet by reduce, recycle or reuse as much as we can. 
Speedy spent the afternoon either sleeping next to me under a mound of fabric or rolling around on the floor with the tape measure. 
Some loud bangs this evening had me peering out of the window in time to watch some large fireworks being set off nearby.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Oh poor Speedy, having to wear that cone!!
What pretty pink flowers.