Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 15 December 2019


A range of weather today but not too cold with the winds blowing from the south-west. I cracked open an eye when Peter told me there was a rainbow to be seen but wasn't awake enough to take a photo. Soon after that there was a loud clap of thunder and then ………… nothing. Some rain later in the day, a typical winter's day.
Most of my day has been spent knitting. I put on a tv programme that doesn't need too much attention and concentrated on managing four knitting needles. The basic stitch is only moss stitch (aka seed stitch) but there's the ever present danger of stitches falling off the back of a needle though I am getting better at hanging on to the needles and then adding in extra stitches for the thumb but only on alternate rows. It's harder to keep track of the rows when working in a circle and I find a card with 'increase this row' written on one side and 'stay in pattern' on the other helps me keep on track.
This evening we had our annual visit from Santa courtesy of the local Rotary club which raises funds for local needs. The dates and routes are publicised in the local press so we were prepared with some money waiting by the door. Looking out of our windows I could only see the helpers knocking on all the doors but I'm sure that any children who saw Santa would have been thrilled.
(Photo from the web.)

1 comment:

happyone said...

I can knit with 2 needles but never have been able to get the hang of using 4 needles!!