Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 2 December 2019


We woke to a very frosty morning and it has been a crisp and cold day. The frost put paid to the begonias and nasturtiums in the front garden planter so I cleared the foliage away. I scattered the abundant nasturtium seeds across the front garden flower bed. A nice surprise for someone next summer.
Yesterday evening I noticed this pain free but large lump on my finger. I think it happened while lifting the sofa yesterday. I suspected it was a bursar and sure enough it went down, more or less when I gave it a good press. It's back again tonight but then I have been lifting the sofa again.  This afternoon I pinned and tacked the darts along one side of the cover. It's hard getting even darts when the not only is the fabric stretchy but the lower edge is stitched to elastic. I tired to pin the other side evenly, first by measuring the distance between the darts and then by placing the fabric against the tacked darts on the other side and matching them that way but neither method worked. It'll have to be a combination of pinning while the cover is in place and measuring the spacing of the darts.
The new plumber is supposed to be looking at the job this week but we've decided that whatever happens we'll spend Christmas here. Ideally we'd move straight after but who knows? My plan is that once the sofa cover is done I'll start packing things in boxes.
This evening the sunset began by filling the sky with a golden glow. Then everything turned red. The whole sky was filled with bright red glowing clouds as the sun sank down in a blaze of molten gold. 

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