Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 26 November 2022


It's been grey all day. The first of the photos below was taken in the morning and the second late in the afternoon. Not a lot of difference except that the morning's light to moderate rain eased off in the afternoon.
I haven't done very much day apart from some Christmas planning. Considering that we aren't actually doing anything for Christmas I still need to plan the 'made with love' gifts that I send to the family and when to post off parcels and cards. The local Post Office is only open on certain days plus there are one day postal strikes to consider and I don't want to be driving in to Aber to use the Post Office counter in W H Smith's all in a rush. Somehow I always think that I have plenty of time to get organised but then December begins and the time simply flies by. I've made myself a chart for the three and a half weeks up to Christmas with everything (hopefully) marked which should make things less stressful. However the stress has already begun to creep in. You know the feeling of excitement when you find a gift that's just right for somebody? And then you put that gift away until much later ........... and then fail to find where that safe place was? That's what happened to me. I was sure it was in the big cupboard in the kitchen, I know it was there was for a long time but then I put it somewhere else. First I checked out the big cupboard and a few other places and later I took just about everything out of the big cupboard but no luck. I've looked in all the other possible places but nope nothing yet. There's still a week to look but I'm going to consider it as a present for next year and stop fussing.
In between all that looking I went out to the garage and painted the shelf and a piece of wood to support the big mirror which needs to be put on the wall.

Somebody posted this photo of Borth on the local FB page. Researching on-line puts this in the early 19thC. Contrast it with the photo below that I took in October around 100 years later.

Another one from the early 19thC.

This one was taken in 1958 showing our house on the far left. While I appreciate being able to live here I'm also glad that from 1965 the National Trust began preserving the coast giving us nearly 600 miles of beautiful unspoilt coast path for everyone to enjoy.

And finally I just love this photo of Borth sailors taken in 1885.

1 comment:

happyone said...

How cool to see the old pictures. What a difference!!
I put things in safe place all the time and then can't find them. :) I can't say it's because I'm getting old, because I've always done that. :)