Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 21 November 2022


Overcast and very wet today with just the occasional break in the rain.

In my attempts to prepare for Christmas and because it was too wet to do much else today I baked the first of my Christmas biscuits, some Leibkuchen hearts. I've put them in the freezer and will half dip them in white chocolate later. I've only made the smaller hearts but despite following the recipe to the letter they are a bit hard. However I'm sure I read that frozen biscuits become a bit softer. If not that might be a last minute re-do. I'm going to try reducing the oven temperature 10 degrees for the next batch of biscuits.
Although it was too wet to do anything outside I was able to find an old paintbrush and give the shelf a coat of primer. That brush is now sitting in a jar of white spirit as the wood primer is one of the few paints we have that is not water soluble. Nowadays even gloss paint is water soluble which is so much more convenient than trying to clean a brush with white spirit. In fact I generally don't bother cleaning the brush using up a whole bottle of white spirit but get the cheapest of brushes and just throw it away. 
Peter had to go out in the afternoon on rowing club business and offered to call in at the pharmacy for the rest of my antibiotics as they didn't have enough in stock when I collected the initial prescription. That saved me having to venture out when the weather was so unpredictable. But when he returned it was with some different tablets that had been left out of my regular prescription but no antibiotics. So I had to wrap up well and go stomping down in the dark and wind before the pharmacy shut at 6.00. It turns out they get three deliveries a day and my antibiotics came with the last delivery.

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