Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 2 November 2022


Wet and wild today with a yellow warning for wind for this evening. The first two photos were taken in the morning and the last one just now as I sheltered in the open doorway. The surfers of course are loving it. 
I didn't go to the zoo this morning and won't be off to sing this evening either. Not because of the weather but due to the cystitis geting a lot worse. The first thing I did this morning was ring the pharmacy but they don't have a prescribing pharmacist. Rang the surgery next but there were no appointments for today, however they told me that if I went up to Tal-Y-Bont the pharmacist there is qualified for prescribing. I got Peter to drive as I was feeling a little woozy, the pharmacist asked a few questions and said I have a serious UTI. She's gave me some stronger antibiotics and instructions to bring in a sample on Friday if things aren't improving. It's very handy having somewhere you can drop in for minor ailments. I've spent the rest of the day curled up with Speedy watching the tv and the wild seas outside.
Peter was looking out of the window when he heard a screeching racing engine noise from this truck followed by the truck coming to a sudden halt as smoke came out of the engine. With so much building work going on in these few streets and this being the only route in we see a lot of builders' vehicles and delivery trucks going past. Luckily the driver was able to pull over beyond our turning. When I took the photo they were unloading the window frames and glass to get them to their destination. Later on the AA man turned up, then went and after a while the truck drove off as well. This is what counts for excitement here.


1 comment:

happyone said...

So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope the stronger medicine helps and you're back to normal soon!!