Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 17 November 2022


A windy and frequently wet day today. Ever the optomist I washed the joggers I wear to the zoo and hung them out on the line but ten minutes before our coffee break in our Welsh class I heard torrential rain hammering down on my study roof. Sure enough when we stopped for coffee and I ran out to fetch the trousers in they were wetter than when they came out of the machine.
My camera seems to be showing its age in that it struggles to focus in lower light and the only photo I could use of tonight's pink sunset was the pink reflections in the east.
Before class I finished addressing and sealing the Christmas cards. Just need to buy more stamps and they will be ready to post. I even found some time to go out into the back garden and tie in some of the clematis and passion flowers which had grown and were waving in the wind. It will be interesting to see what makes it through to next spring.
Lots of work on mutations again in the Zoom class. I was in a 'breakout room' working with a partner, got the mutation right every time until the tutor joined us whereupon I missed out a simple mutation. At least I remember them most of the time.
After class there wasn't a lot of time before I needed to get ready for the disco aerobics. A good way to have fun and use up lots of energy. I'll set the scene, large sports hall with all the lights off apart from pulsating disco lights and very loud disco music, think Abba and Saturday Night Fever. But oh dear, I was a shambles. No chance of being able to move legs and arms together. For at least 90% of the time I was moving in the opposite direction or using the opposite leg/arm to everyone else in the room. I put myself right at the back of the class but of course every now and then we did a quarter turn and then another so that I was in front of everyone else. As for getting the legs and arms co-ordinated, no way. In my defense I went to very few discos in my youth and never had good co-ordination. My style of disco dancing is mostly shuffling from one foot to another with the odd wave of the arms. I think the bit of my brain that moves my legs is  far from the bit that moves my arms. At least that's what it felt like. If nothing else going to these sessions should create a few neural pathways. Fame Acadamy here I come.
This is how Speedy sleeps away the day but the weather is far too wild for me to let him out tonight. He'll either have to use the litter tray or cross his legs until the morning.

1 comment:

lea said...

My dancing days were a bit before disco, but I was never much good.
We have to make sure our old cat is in at night, we have coyotes in the neighborhood. Actually a whole lot of the city has them it seems, and cats around here have met their end because of coyotes. Some even in broad daylight.