Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 24 April 2020

Cooling Down.

A lot more cloud today giving chilly spells alternating with hot and sunny moments.
I spent the afternoon potting up the climbers. I used most of one bag of compost but I'm sure I'll have plenty of uses for the other one. Now that some of the climbers have tall canes I decided to keep them in the front garden rather than attempting to get them back through the house. They look a bit messy sitting in various plastic tubs but I was concerned about slugs. I know that slugs can destroy clematis in particular but I don't want to poison birds or hedgehogs that might eat any slugs poisoned by pellets. My reasoning is that any marauding slugs won't make it back out of the tubs and I'll be able to bin them (yuck) to keep them away from the other garden wildlife. I didn't have enough big tubs but I don't recall either honeysuckle or passion flowers being targeted by the multitudinous slugs at Dingles. I also potted up some Sea Holly which I'd bought, reduced of course, at Tesco's. One pack had four sprouting roots and the other had five. If they survive they will look lovely in Borth.