Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 8 April 2020


The morning was quite grey and cool but later the sun returned giving us a hot afternoon and evening.
I planned to have today as a mask making day. I decided to bring the iron and ironing board upstairs to work in my sunny study listening to music or the radio on my PC and using the sewing machine on the floor. However, as I finished the first mask my sewing machine began to run away again. The very fault that was supposed to have been fixed by the chap down the road.  It's not so much the cost, though that was quite a lot, but the fact that I'm relying on my machine to alter/make curtains and probably cushion covers for Red Roofs that has me worried. Peter's going to phone the chap tomorrow and we'll see if he's happy to have the sewing machine brought back now or wait until things ease up. My suggestion was if Peter took it to the chap's house the virus would be dead/gone after 72 hours but it would be entirely up to the chap. Above I'm modelling my first mask though the top elastic actually goes up behind the top of my head. It has a pocket along the bridge of the nose into which goes some soft garden wire to mould the mask over my nose. I used an offcut saved from turning a pair of pj bottoms into shorts and sheeting for the liner. The next ones are due to be made from some micro cloths I bought yesterday. I can make two from each colour, I thought manly grey for Peter and cheerful green or pink for me. I feel a bit weird seeing myself in a mask, to me it hints of S&M while to Peter it looks as if I'm about to rob the bank. Not funny when the bank is one place I need to go to.
Below is a photo of yesterday's sunset when the cloud cover lifted enough to letting the golden light through. Sadly I did not get a sight of the pink harvest moon.
C -19 - Our Prime Minister is still in ICU (should have been socially isolating at work) but apparently talking and not on a ventilator. With the Easter holiday approaching combined with the current hot weather there have been constant warnings about not being out unnecessarily. However sometimes the headlines give an inaccurate view. With my love of maths one of my favourite radio programmes is More Or Less which delves into often misleading stats. Take this for interest - the newspapers screamed '3,000 people found sunbathing in London Park'. That sounds serious until you take into account that the park is over 150 acres and the normal numbers would be 10,000 on a similar day. And most of the people were walking about in one's or two's. Quite a different picture.

1 comment:

happyone said...

The golden sky sure is beautiful!