Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 11 April 2020


Still bright and sunny though there's a high haze and the breeze is refreshingly cool.
This morning Peter got out our old mower and cut a large section of the communal grass as well as our little lawn. One of the neighbours came out and offered his green bin for the cuttings which was helpful. The oldest of our neighbours came out to trim his hedge and exchanged a few words with Peter. It's good that nobody here has to feel isolated. There's nearly always somebody around if you fancy a chat. Afterwards  I had a quick weed round of the garden and gave the large buddleia a summer pruning. Now that the acer is fully leaved and the buddleia almost there we're sufficiently screened from passers by in the evenings which are light enough to leave the sitting room curtains half drawn..
For the rest of the hot afternoon I sat out in the back garden and sewed a second grey face mask. I still need to add the elastic which will be to fit Peter. Then I'll make myself a second mask which should be sufficient for the moment. While I was out in the garden the female blackbird came along and disappeared into the ivy on the fence. That points towards there being a nest in there. The pair of blue tits also arrived to investigate the acers in pots.

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