Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 22 April 2020


It's been another hot day. There were high clouds which may have filtered out some of the sun's rays but there has been little to no wind. Going outside just now to put out the recycling the air was warm and balmy. It felt like being on holiday in the warmth of the Mediterranean or even north Africa.
It's been a good day for hanging out the washing which dried quickly, a good thing because unlike my neighbour I wait to see what the weather is going to be like before loading up the washing machine. With four adults in their household my neighbour's machine is always on the go and washing hung out almost whatever the weather. While we sat outside I changed the buttons on one of the pillowcases. This was for one of those V-shaped support pillows that my mother bought me many years ago. I made a cover for it which originally closed with a nylon zip. When that broke I removed it and replaced it with pretty yellow buttons and narrow ribbon loops. The only problem was that the buttons were hemi-spherical and very lumpy if the pillow ended up the wrong way up. Today I shuffled through my box of spare buttons and found six non-matching but flat white buttons to replace the bumpy buttons. 
Today I had another phone appointment with my doctor this time in the afternoon. Having notes made sure I conveyed the relevant information and asked the questions that had been going through my mind and it was all done in about five minutes. Can't do all that off the top of my head. I did suggest that she might contact the cardio consultant for some ideas where to go next seeing as it's all very quiet at the hospital (no out - patients and very few thankfully, covid patients) and my doctor is going to do that. I listened to a doctor on the news this afternoon talking about oxygen saturation levels. Somebody with only mild symptoms of Covid might not feel too bad but have low oxygen saturation levels which indicate a need for medical intervention before the lungs are seriously damaged. I'll keep that in mind and use the finger pulse oxymeter if either of us begin to feel unwell.
Wildlife news - while lying on my back doing arm weights this afternoon I glanced out of the window and saw a house sparrow peering down through the window from his perch on the gutter, and Speedy staring upwards in a very frustrated manner.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Looking forward to some nice warm days around here, but at least the sun was shining today. Had to hang my laundry inside on the wooden drying rack that I have.