Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 1 April 2020


A frosty morning and generally colder today with even more clouds.
Still no rain so once the usual routine was done I carried on with digging out celandines from the front garden. I'm just clearing them from around the campanulas and hardy geraniums to let them grow unhindered. Also bright yellow clashes horribly with purples and pinks. I'm limiting myself to one bucketful of weeds a session so that I don't overdo things. Note my specialist weeding tools, a table fork and long thin screwdriver. 
As the lockdown continues more people are being made redundant and businesses closing down despite the promise of money from the govt. to cover 80% of the wages of employees put into furlough. That however will be going through the employers and not until the end of April which is too long a wait for many people. So many people must be really worried as it's always been said that most people are only one or two months' pay checks away from homelessness. With the 'austerity' that has been imposed on us for the last 10 years it has been almost impossible for anyone to make significant savings. I feel so grateful that for us our only worries are for the health of our friends and family and taking every measure to prevent infection. We have sufficient food and medication, a warm home, ways to keep in contact with family and sufficient exercise equipement to work on our fitness.

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