Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 20 April 2020


Still sunny with a lot of windy sometimes gusting so fiercely I could hear it whistling around. A perfect day for drying the towels I had out on the washing line.
I did a bit of admin in the morning, only small things but it felt good to have them done rather than in my mental need to do list. 
Routine done I took myself and my yoga mat out in the sun. I did those of my exercises that don't involve the weights which were up in my study and then I gave the backs of my legs a chance to catch some sun. After that I retired to the sun lounger when Peter came out for our usual chat mainly about Red Roofs. The builder thinks there's about 14 inches by the side of the external boiler which I suppose is sufficient to squeeze through. While outside I spotted exactly where the blackbird has built her nest. I took a very quick photo (above) but didn't want to disturb her too much. Later she flew off the nest for a while but it's buried too deeply to see if there are any eggs inside.

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