Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 12 April 2020


A strangely quiet Easter Sunday, not even our local church bells to celebrate the day. To keep the correct distance it would have to be just one person pulling a rope and a single bell usually  signals a death.
This was the view in the morning and it hasn't changed much through the day. The two pictures of Woolacombe Beach (not mine) show a typical sunny day and then below how it looked today. Even with the haze there would still be surfers, dogs and walkers and general holiday makers. 
It was cooler and very pleasant to work outside so I found myself some gardening work. Mainly clipping off last year's dead growth. I left the trailing geraniums outside during the winter so they haven't done too well. A couple have new leaves at the ends of the trailing stems but the rest are defunct. I'm a believer in not throwing plants out too soon so I'll wait a bit longer. I wasn't going to take them to Wales anyway. I only bought them to brighten up the conservatory in Dingles and looking after them in the winter is too much bother. I finished my gardening by weeding out tiny seedlings from various pots, surely a sign that I was looking for any excuse to stay outside.
We had a lovely long chat with Romas this morning on the phone. He and Laura are both working from home and keeping themselves safe. Apparently there's a lot of people behaving irresponsibly regarding social distancing in their part of the country. That's not good news.


Harriet said...


happyone said...

Wow what a difference in those two pictures!!!