Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 31 March 2021


The day began bright and blue with the promise of another hot day. 
As we ate our breakfast we watched a small sailboat and then a motorboat make their way into the bay before heading off again.
I've been so happy to have the washing back in action. But I wouldn't have felt this joy if the washing machine had been up and running for the last six months, you have to go without for a while to truly appreciate the things you have. I wasn't sure if my washing line, a cheap plastic one, would be long enough to reach down the garden but in the end there was enough to have a second line back up to the hebe whose days I think are numbered.
I've also been much cheered up by the start of moving things into the back rooms. I began by washing the cupboard and floor in the toilet, then moved on to the utility room. First of all I found the bag of peg thingies for the cupboard shelves in one of the cupboards so I felt bad for thinking the builders had lost them but ........ when I tried to fit the shelf in the wall cupboard it proved impossible. The shelf had been left inside the cupboard and now it's jammed under the hinge fittings and can't be tilted to lift it out and up. Then when I tried to fit the shelves in the base cupboards I couldn't get them to sit on the pegs which seem to be on quite a slope. The builder has promised to send someone over asap to sort that lot out.
In the meantime Peter helped me move the trundle bed down to my study. The hall by the front door looks so spacious now. Even Speedy when he emerged from his daytime sleep in our room, took a second look as he walked through the hall. We're all used to squeezing through piles of boxes and stuff around the house. Each time I walk through I carry another box down to my study.
There were some lengths of wood outside which I moved into the garage after a de-nailing session. That's more my sort of activity, bashing away with a hammer out in the open.

In the afternoon we planned to spend some time sitting out on the terrace but no sooner had we got out the cushions the mist which we'd been observing from a distance began creeping ever closer,
and closer. Behind the sun was still shining but eventually I had to go and rescue my washing from the back garden. That was followed by much ironing and arranging of washing over the radiators. Refurbishing the ceiling clothes dryer in the utility room looks to be next on the list.
It looks as if we're at the end of this brief warm spell. On the radio they spoke of some places that would be 22C today and 10C tomorrow. What a plummet. Still I've got plenty of things to do inside. 


1 comment:

happyone said...

I think everyone needs a clothes line. :)