Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Not Too Cold.

After last night's heavy rain it was a surprise to find that it had all cleared up by the morning. It was still miserably grey and maybe that was why I found it very hard to get going this morning. That's where my morning housework routine is so useful. It doesn't take that long but once I've done it I know the downstairs of the house is clean and tidy even if I did decide to crawl back into bed. However once I've forced myself to do the hoovering etc I nearly always find I'm energised enough to get on with the rest of the day. This morning I sorted through the Christmas decorations, found 4! to give away and put the bags back in the loft. Instead of putting the ladder away I then took it outside and cut back the climbers on the front of the house ..... again. Some of the roses I cut down in the autumn had grown 3 or 4 ft. I try not to touch the wisteria as it took 10 years before it even flowered but the honeysuckle is as tough as old boots and I gave it a proper trim. The long-handled loppers helped me cut back some of the rose growing over the porch but I couldn't quite reach it all. 
Then it was time to split another barrow load of logs. Who needs to go to a gym when you have logs to split? They keep predicting severe storms so I try and bring extra logs in each day while it is dry. 

1 comment:

Harriet said...

Ah, wisteria, how I love it. I had a lovely plant growing along a fence in the yard of our first house. I didn't bring a clip with me, sadly. It does take a long time to mature--but what a beauty.