Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 1 February 2019

A Little Snow.

All looked very grey this morning and if I squinted enough I could make out tiny specks of snow swirling around. This intensified until fat flakes were spinning around but that was it. The grass stayed green and the sheep were happily grazing accompanied by our local super-flock of jackdaws. By the afternoon it was dry enough to move the washing from the lines in the conservatory to the outside line. A good blow in the wind and the sheets were ready to be ironed.
The photo below (not mine) was taken up near Dingles this afternoon, just enough for a bit of tobogganing. I'm listening to the news and hear that the snow has been heavy in other areas with thousands of schools closed.
After my usual routine I attempted to give my felted rabbit a body but I didn't get the body shape right. It ended up looking more like a mouse than a cute bunny. The head has now been carefully prised away ready for a second attempt at the body. The difficult part is knowing how much loose fibre to leave for a secure join.
These photos do not do tonight's sunset justice, all the orange areas were a glowing red with pink clouds in every direction. Should be a sunny day tomorrow according to folklore.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Beautiful sky.
We got even more snow today. A warm up is supposed to be its way.