Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 10 February 2019


A very windy day with sudden heavy showers including a bit of hail. I took a chance and washed the very large fluffy fleece throw that covers the sofa. The wind did a good job of drying the fleece and even though it was a little cold, 'cos naturally I was in shorts, I found brushing up the pile while the throw was on the line worked well and I was able to take it indoors when rain threatened. In the past I've brushed it indoors which not only took a long time but left white fluff all over the sitting room. Now it looks as if there's been a light sprinkling of snow in the back garden.
This morning I gave myself the task of going through yesterday's pick of possible houses and on reflection they're not too bad. Now there are 7 post-its up on the map, 3 are possibles and 4 are maybes. I need to speak to the estate agents tomorrow about two of them to check if they are of standard construction or if the outer walls are made from concrete panels. This was a system used after the war to build houses quickly but mortgage lenders won't touch them as the concrete can deteriorate and they lose heat quickly. The solution is to knock down and rebuild or build outer walls of block or brick. Not something we want to do. I found a handy map produced by the environment agency which shows the risk of flooding either by the sea or rain and both of the houses we were worried about are outside of the at risk areas.

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