Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 2 February 2019


The clouds were correct and today was bright and sunny with a brisk wind that was perfect for drying the washing out on the line. We headed off for a stroll on Barricane Beach to enjoy the sea air. Mindful of the risk of icy roads up in the hills we avoided our usual route up through Prixford and instead drove along the estuary to Braunton and then took the main road to Mullacott Cross. Not until we reached Mullacott did we begin to see patches of snow in places where the sun hadn't reached. Looking across the Bristol Channel over to Wales I could see quite a lot of snow on the hills. 
Down on the beach we had our usual look for sea glass and shiny shells. You get distinct strips across the beach where they turn up and there were two ladies also looking for sea glass so I didn't find that much. 
We took some coffee and biscuits along with us and sat on one of the cliff top benches enjoying the view and trying to ignore the cold. Back home I did some ironing and Peter made a sausage, cheese, cabbage, potato and onion casserole  which we are about to have for supper.
I did some rock pooling and found a number of snakelocks anemones. They must be hardier than the ordinary and large strawberry anemones which were closed tight even when under water.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Wonderful pictures. Sure would have liked to have been there with you. :)
I'm looking forward to when I'll be able to hang my washing out on the line again.