Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 25 February 2019


Goats in the Valley of the Rocks.
Today has been the warmest winter day on record in the UK. The official high was 20.3C but here on my sunny front doorstep it was a lot higher. The porch was so warm that the coats had that 'ironed clothes' smell and a warm breeze danced through the house. I washed my hair before I began mowing and left my hair to dry naturally in the sun. Dried that way it ends up curly at least until I run a brush through it. My neighbour arrived home just as I finished the mowing so she borrowed the mower to do the bit in front of her house. She gave me the news that the unsociable neighbour has sold his house at last. No more driving over the grass and adios to his trucks and other vehicles that fill the parking area.
 Daffodils in a neighbour's garden.
After the mowing there was still enough sun in the back garden to continue tidying up the ornamental grasses. I think you're supposed to cut them right back in the winter but I enjoy the structural shape of the old leaves that fade to a parchment colour. So now  I'm taking them out one at a time. 

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