Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 6 February 2019


From a grey morning the day progressed to blue sky and clouds and with the wind blowing from the south west it has felt quite mild.
Speedy playfighting my hand.
That dog has been barking again for at least all afternoon. I'm pretty sure that it is coming from the back garden of the 'posh' grey house behind us. They have a shed sized custom built dog house in a very large run so it's not a case of a neglected dog but it must be driving the neighbours mad. I'll make a note of the times it's barking for the rest of the week and maybe get in touch with the local dog warden. To drown out the constant noise I had an afternoon of listening to Nightwish on YouTube. For a heavy metal band they are very melodic and hopefully I haven't strained my voice singing Sleeping Sun and attempting the operatic high notes instead of dropping an octave. 
I ventured into the garage today to empty the trays of a bucketful of water. Everything in there smells horribly damp but there's nothing to be done for now. I rescued a bag of overalls and waterproofs to be aired as I need a pair of waterproof trousers for walking in the rain should the need arise. remember - there's no such thing as bad weather only the wrong clothes!
At last the part for our camper has been fitted and we will be picking it up tomorrow and taking it up to the farm. We paid for a year's storage and as it hasn't been there for 4 months the owner is adding another 4 months which we weren't expecting. So it will be back to online house hunting and maybe some leisure trips as well. (My new passport arrived this morning so we are free to go anywhere.)

1 comment:

happyone said...

That must be very annoying listening to a barking dog all the time.