Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 4 February 2019


After a misty wet morning the sun came out raising the temperature to over 10C/50F.  
In the afternoon I copied more photo files while doing some mending and using Google to find out how to repair Peter's coat. It's a very good Gortex coat with the gig club logo on the chest but two of the poppers have gone and the zip pull is off. In my box of sewing stuff I found one large popper which is great because I can take that with me to the shop to get a second one of the right size and I need a new zip stop as I'll have to pull off the old one to get the zipper back on.
Had a wonderful moment when I looked in a cupboard and discovered a couple of chocolates left over from Christmas. Definitely no calories in those. Being on a diet means that I keep no chocolate in the house and only buy sufficient for specific recipes. So if I want a snack it's a choice of fruit or Ryvita which I can eat with a clear conscience.  
Seeing a black cat in the front garden I opened the door saying 'How did you get out there?' only to discover it wasn't Patch at all.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Sure do like seeing those flowers. :) Our temp was the same as yours today. We sure have changeable weather!!
You are so handy and take on all sorts of projects.