Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 24 February 2019

Valley of the Rocks.

It was a lovely sunny day so we headed out for a stroll around the Valley of the Rocks. It was so warm that I wished I'd worn my shorts though the temperature dropped when we walked behind the ridge along the coast. 
Not surprisingly there were plenty of people around with the usual smattering of hardy souls climbing along the highest points. There were even a couple of people climbing Castle Rock with ropes, (maybe they didn't notice the path.) We didn't go up Castle Rock as the scrambling over uneven rocks would have been too much for Peter's knee. 
We walked in the opposite direction to our usual route cutting through to the cliff side and then back to the valley. 

The car journey was a little surreal as we travelled over what would have been part of our daily journey to work from Dingles. It's strange to think that we will probably never go down to Dingles again.
At home I did some tidying up of the ornamental grasses in pots in the back garden. One lot had no new growth yet so could just be chopped back but the other pot had old and new stems so I carefully pulled or cut each dry stem one by one.

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