Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 9 February 2019


Lots of rain and wind today. After yesterday's initial excitement at finding some possible houses to look at the house search has hit a low. Not only have I failed to find anything that I would class as a maybe possible but when I revisited yesterday's prospects I found that 2 of the possibles and 2 of the maybe possibles although within 10 miles of Aberystwyth as the crow flies by road the distance is 30 miles. Too far for a medical emergency for us so those houses were removed from the list. Of the remaining 2 the one my heart would like, the garden backs on to the sand dunes and then the beach, is maybe not the sensible choice. Location is of paramount importance and we're prepared to rearrange room layout but it was hard to see past the clutter (below) in every room including the bathroom. When the owners of this house move they'll have an awful lot of packing to do.
This afternoon Peter and I played scrabble which lasted for hours as we're very competitive and now following more fruitless house searching I'm blogging at ten to twelve.


happyone said...

Wow they sure packed a lot into that room!!!

lea said...

That room is awful, looks like it could be part of a shop that sells what I call "knick-knacks".