Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 14 February 2019


Happy Valentine's Day.
As I'm running out of space to put orchids, this year Peter bought me a dozen red roses as well as Lindor chocolates and  some fancy profiteroles for dessert so today has been very indulgent. (I had told Peter I wouldn't be dieting today.) We've never bothered with going out for a special meal on such occasions preferring to relax at home.
Today has been bright and sunny with temperatures set to climb into the mid-teens (55-60F) in the next few days. There was a little breeze making good drying weather for the two loads of washing I put out on the line. Today's gardening job was to tidy the front garden. It was time to cut back the dry stems of the yellow loosestrife but I left about six inches to deter cats. At the same time I removed any weeds, mainly chickweed and tidied up the lawn edges. After mowing yesterday guess who turned up this morning? Yup, the council men with their big mower that leaves the grass cuttings. At least the size of the front garden means a manageable amount of work. 
Patch decided to come out and sit in the sun. Later we had lovely golden light before the sun went down.

1 comment:

happyone said...

How nice of Peter to give you flowers.
Happy Valentine's Day.