Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 4 March 2022


The day began cold, grey and gloomy but it wasn't long before the first patches of blue appeared and by the afternoon it was sunny if cold.
Before Peter went off to town we put up this mirror in the utility room. I wouldn't have bought a mirror like this but I like the idea of using stuff that was chosen by the previous owners and I think it's quite fun for the utility room. We saved all the mirrors that were here originally and hopefully we will find places for more of them.
While Peter was out I cleared the kitchen worktop and gave it a fresh coat of oil. I'd love to keep it this clear all the time but that wouldn't be very practical. I was rather disappointed when I came to wipe off the oil and found that Peter had smoothed down the silicone on the top of the upstand too enthusiastically and it was smeared over the wood and the window sill. It took me an hour to remove the silicone using a scalpel and tweezers, a job I could have done without.
In the afternoon I managed to find a sunny spot in the front garden to sit and sand down the driftwood. Still a bit more work to do on it before I hang it up and work out how to keep the air plants on it.
During the morning we saw an older couple in the house next door but they weren't there long and we didn't get a chance to say hello.


1 comment:

happyone said...

We had a very cold morning too.
Kitchen looks so nice!!!