Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 3 March 2022


Rain, rain and more rain today.
This morning I hung up some new curtains I'd bought for the bedroom. It had taken me a while to go ahead with buying new curtains as there's nothing wrong with the old ones, apart from being very faded. Is that a good enough reason to be buying replacements? These curtains support the fact that I really do not like change or at least that when I decide that something is a good choice I don't see any point in making a change. The story of our bedroom colour scheme goes like this, apologies if I'm repeating an old tale - when we moved to the farm nearly 30 years ago the bedroom had a new dusky pink carpet. As carpet is costly everything else had to work around the pink. I made the curtains with the fabric from a local factory seconds shop and painted the walls cream to match the curtains. Incidentally I already had a copy of The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady from which this design is taken. When we moved to town I painted our bedroom cream and re-used the curtains though they didn't go with the horrible black carpet. Naturally when we moved here even though I had a blank canvas I kept the same curtains and wall colour and we've decided that we might as well choose dusky pink for the carpet when we get around to buying one. At the moment we only have rugs over bare floorboards. Two walls need the  skirting boards fitted and the shower needs to be out before we fit a carpet. 
Old faded curtain vs. new bright curtain.
Now that the new curtains are up Peter is persuading me to be extravagent and replace the curtains at the other window too. They're about half as faded as the first pair but they do have a printing fault across the middle so maybe if I find another pair on eBay ...........  . Luckily the Country Diary designs by Dorma do seem to come up quite often and in the size that fits our windows.
Zoom class was fun as usual. Today we learnt how to use can and must. Something I found really sweet is the word for children - plant (pronounced as seen).
After class I cleaned the window sills in my study and all the blue glass I keep on them. Apart from the dust I'd noticed mould growing on the back edges again. I think it's partially due to me keeping the radiators turned down low but also to the insectivorous plants I keep in here which as bog plants need to be standing in water. The pitcher plant is doing well and has produced a mildly unpleasant smelling flower. The pitcher in the photo is 8 inches long.
After the rain comes the sunset. We are so close to seeing the setting sun from our terrace or the cliff at the bottom of the garden. Can't wait.


1 comment:

happyone said...

WOW that sunset is spectacular!!!