Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 7 March 2022


With hardly a cloud in the sky it's been a bright sunny day. There was enough wind to blow my washing dry and create dramatic sea horses in the afternoon.
Two days of stretching to cut the hedge and the old rib pain returned resulting in a night of little sleep. Maybe one day I'll learn to pace myself.
I planned to have a quiet day hemming the second pair of bedroom curtains. I bought them on eBay for less than £20 but they are 70" long so need taking up. There was a pair at the correct length but the pattern didn't look as bright and they were an extra £12. For that amount I can do a bit of hand sewing. In the end by the time I'd done some housework, DuoLingo, music practice and ironing there was only time to pin them up. I decided to wait until tomorrow to cut off the excess as I'm less likely not to make a silly mistake when I'm less tired. It was good finding time to play the piano and guitar while the sun was shining into my study. The minute the light level drops I struggle to see the music clearly even with glasses and I make fewer mistakes earlier in the day.
The builder and an assistant turned up this morning but it was in preparation for the roof repairs not my raised beds. I did press him about when he might be doing those but all he could say is that repair work after the storms has set everything back a month. Ho hum.


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