Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 20 March 2022


From what we hear that hundreds or according to some reports, thousands of Ukrainian women and children have been abducted by Russia and transported to remote locations. Sounds like it's back to the days of Stalin.
I heard last night that the UK is also sending firefighting vehicles and equipment to Ukraine which is a small ray of hope in this horrible situation.
Here we've had another sunny day Not as windy or as warm as yesterday which was the warmest day of the year so far but good enough. 
After our Sunday breakfast I gave up and had a go at cleaning the oven (Peter keeps saying he's going to do it as he frequently cooks meat in the oven). If only those oven cleaners really did work the way they advertise and all you had to do was squirt the stuff on, leave it for a set time and then wipe off with paper towels I wouldn't mind. But no, it's put the stuff on, leave and then commence scrubbing. Or if only the 'self cleaning oven' actually cleaned the whole oven and not just the back plate. I've probably moaned about this before but it really makes my back hurt.  I've left the trays and shelves for Peter to do as he can do them in the sink. What we really need is a tub big enough to soak them overnight in dishwasher tablets.

With little left to wash I went up into the loft, something I wasn't looking forward to after the incident of the wet rafters, but it wasn't bad at all. The outer boxes do feel soft so I need to swap them with the dry ones I've been collecting but the contents were not too bad. However when I checked the box of fabric it all smelt slightly musty so I brought the fabric down and put most of it in the washing machine. The wind blew it nicely dry and then I finished off with an ironing session at the end of the afternoon.
Before I could get down to gardening I put up a couple of big hooks in the garage to hang Romas' surf board (in its bag) from. Yes, even though we hardly ever see him I still look after his surfboard and wetsuit though I doubt it would fit him any more. 
Finally I was able to do some gardening. This narrow bed is the last bit of the back garden that needs digging over. Apart from a few weeds I had to remove all sorts of bits of plastic and polystyrene, yuck! I started at the easy end and have reached the middle where there is a rusty meta post and the roots of a small tree that was growing there. Eventually I hope to grow some salads in this bed or maybe courgettes or squash.
Between gardening and ironing we sat out on the terrace watching the surfers. The morning sea had been very flat covered with ripples as the easterly wind flattened the waves but later in the day the wind changed direction allowing even waves to roll in. Perfect for the surfers.

1 comment:

lea said...

The situation in Ukraine is so very hard to see. I'm looking forward to hanging sheets out to dry on Tuesday, it could be 70ºF here!
I have lettuce and spinach growing in my garden, it will be so nice to have home-grown again.
I'm looking forward to seeing how your many beautiful clematis do.