Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 23 March 2022


The beautiful Carpathian mountains in Ukraine. How sad to think of the country now being ravaged by a war initiated by a despot. (Apparently FB no longer allows people to say what they would like to do to Putin.)
Here it's been a beautifully warm and sunny day.
Maybe not the best weather for planting up the flowerbed at the zoo but there you go. Rain would be better for the plants but not so nice for me. I had lovely conditions to work in and didn't even bring my big coat with me. It was so warm I worked in just a vest top and stayed safe from the sun with an unflattering but servicable sun hat. I had brought six varieties of hardy geranium and four varieties of sedum from home, sigh - I had nearly twenty varieties of hardy geraniums at Dingles but somehow with two moves the numbers I brought with me are much reduced. I planted everything a bit closer together than I usually would to give a better impact this summer and optimistically threw down alyssum and candytuft seeds too. I'm hoping that the people I've asked will remember to water this bed though both the geraniums and the sedum are usually tough as old boots. After I'd sorted this bed I tidied up another patch of ground by a fence digging out the docks which I now know are toxic (to a degree) to rabbits and in their place planted valerian, a coastal wild flower, which grows abundantly in my garden. 
We have a new goat. This is Willow who arrived yesterday. She was unwanted because she only has three working teats and is adept at jumping fences which is why she is tethered with a long lunging rein. She is also very friendly. I went in to unwind the tether from a piece of wood it was caught round and she promptly jumped over the fence you can see behind her, and then hopped back. She is in that enclosure just to keep an eye on her and to weigh and worm her but then she will be going into the enclosure on the hill which has ten foot high fences, hopefully with at least one of the other goats for company.
As I worked I kept hearing Mr Turkey making turkey noises as he kept guard over the turkey hen.
On my way back I stopped to watch the spring lambs in a field. This little group were at the inquisitive stage, rushing up to see what I was doing and then running away as soon as I got the camera out.

These twin lambs were younger, maybe only a few days old, and stayed close to ther mum.
Back home I sat out with a coffee as I watched the waves rolling gently in and then I went into the back garden to finish off digging out the tree roots from the narrow bed. Now all I have to do is tidy up the rusty metal remains of the two end meta posts and mix in some extra soil. 

1 comment:

happyone said...

Oh I love the little lambs. So cute!!!
What a beautiful country scene in Ukraine.