Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 13 March 2022


Pray for Ukraine.
The weather reversed its pattern today, it began with a grey wet morning and slowly changed to a lovely sunny afternoon with some showers, and rainbows.
We had our usual Sunday breakfast and decided to head out for a beach walk together even though there was some light rain. There were plenty of people in the water having a surf lesson, not so many on the beach.
The sun was already breaking through as we walked and I could feel the warmth across my back. The wind pushed us along the beach on the way out and made it a lot tougher on the way back. When we finished our walk I called in at the home of a chap I'd been told might want the tree trunk (the one I cut down in the back garden). He did want the wood and has already collected it from our drive. That's another thing gone.
We saw one rainbow as we walked on the beach but there was no pot of gold on the shingle.
When we got home I carried on pruning the third hydrangea in the garden. By putting the bag up on the sundial and only cutting from my waist height I was able to keep bending and stretching to a minimum. I had a nice chat with an elderly lady who lives up the road and bless her she offered to come and help with the gardening to the best of her abilities. (She looked to be in her 80's or 90's.) I just managed to get my pruning done before the next heavy shower which brought another rainbow dipping into the sea in front of us.
I was about to do some sewing when I moved the footstool and noticed a shower of black plastic bits floating down. When I removed the loose cover I'd made I saw that the plastic layer of the faux leather was disintegrating hence the bits coming down. Simply rubbing my hand over it removed about half the plastic and more vigorous scraping with fingernail and hoover nozzle got rid of most of the rest. I was thinking that maybe I should start looking for a replacement real leather footstool when I noticed that the cover had a zip so that you can take it off once you unbolt the pedestal. Time to make a new cover I think. I'll see if I have some really heavy duty furnishing fabric, the pattern doesn't matter as the loose cover will go back on top.
I spotted a version of this on another blog and then found this photo on-line. A useful guide for me as I don't often go out for coffee or rather not at all as I don't have a group of friends here yet to meet for coffee and cake. I do like the fact that these days it is normal to ask for a coffee in a pub and I could ask for one in Wesh now too - 'Coffi gyda llaeth a siwgr os gwelwch yn dda.' (Coffee with milk and sugar, please.)

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