Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 22 March 2022


Ukrainian landscape by Vladimir Nezdiimynoha. Praying that peace will return to this troubled land. The BBC news says that the Russians have been driven out of Mariupol which is good news but sadly the sity has been reduced to unrecognisable rubble.
Here we've had a beautifully warm and sunny day. The thermometer hadn't even been in the sun but was in the shade on the terrace.
Peter has been doing even more clearing in the garage and went off this morning with yet another load to the dump. I spent most of my day grubbing about in the back garden. I managed to remove the tree stump from the narrow bed which I followed by a break on the terrace when I rewrote the list I've made of plants that are toxic to rabbits, goats and dogs. (The dogs' lists came up first when I searched for information.) I did that research to check that I wouldn't be planting anything toxic at the zoo. I'm glad I did so because I've had to reject aquilegias, Nigella and feverfew. I also want to check that there aren't others from my list of 50 plants growing around the zoo. I never knew that dock is toxic to rabbits and there's plenty of that around. I must make sure to dig it all up so that visitors don't mistakenly feed it to the rabbits.
Later I dug out the middle meta post from the bed so I'm pleased with my progress. It was still too warm to hide indoors so I sat out and removed all the plasters I bought yesterday from their wrappers. That saves me time on a Wednesday morning when I need to put plasters on all my toes and fingers. I finished off by doing some more sewing, just some alterations.

Amazingly this is how Borth looked on this day 27 years ago. A bit different though I don't think there's been snow here since then.
I'm on my own this evening as Peter is out with the rowing club for a curry night. I could have gone along but eating out is expensive and I'll be happy here with my dahl.

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