Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Friday 11 March 2022


And so it goes on. The illegal bombing of civilians and their homes and the lies continue. I posted this street art by My Dog Lies in Cardiff, Wales on my FB page a while back but I think it says it all.
This morning we went to the local Community Hub for breakfast or rather second breakfast. The Hub usually provides a hot lunch including pudding, tea and coffee several times a week on a donation basis. It's open to everyone and is a great way for people on low incomes to have a meal and meet people or simply to meet people and add some money to the Hub's funds. Today the money collected is going to the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal and we were only too happy to contribute. Our neighbour runs the Hub which I think is funded by the council and they do lots of activities aimed at families and older people. It was nearer lunch time but Peter really enjoyed his full English breakfast (bacon, sausages, fried egg, mushrooms, beans and toast) while I had a bacon sandwich. Really nice was the fact that they used tasty granary bread rather than plain white. I'm still feeling full up so will only have a small portion of veg for supper.
Today has been mostly wet with a little sun in the morning. Look closely at the photo above and you might see the faint rainbow, I love rainbows.
After our second breakfast Peter drove to town and emptied my big gardening bag at the dump before going on to do some shopping while I grabbed my wellies from the car and went for a walk along the beach.
There was a lone surfer out amongst the big waves. Later in the day there were about half a dozen surfers bobbing about as the waves stayed good all day.
While it was windy the wind was blowing from the south and not too cold.
At home I played the piano and did my DuoLingo. It was only today that I realised a good way to get my head around some of the differing word order is to 'think like Yoda'. eg. 'A teacher I am.' though that doesn't work with verbs.



happyone said...

That eye is amazing!

happyone said...
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lea said...

The Hub sounds like a good place, food, meeting people, supporting a cause. We donated to the Ukraine Red Cross, the situation there is so awful. My husband has family in western Ukraine, we visited them in 2001.
Those breakers look like proper Pacific Ocean ones!