Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 12 March 2022


We has a little sun this morning but for the most part it has been grey and windy. It got a lot colder in the afternoon and a new storm (un-named) has just blown in.

It was nice enough this morning for me to get out into the garden after breakfast. Today's job was to cut back some of the hydrangeas starting with these two. I'm leaving the hydrangeas on the boundaries as the wind keeps their growth in check but these ones are in the middle of the garden. Also I can now get to the wall behind them. I filled the big garden bag with the branches from just these two bushes. I began cutting back a third hydrangea that is just inside the hedge running across the bottom of the garden but my back began to twinge. I had a bad night last night so not wanting to make things worse I had to stop.
This wall is actually a narrow raised bed which I plan to demolish. That way we can re-use the concrete blocks to face some of the new raised beds.
Not being able to do any more gardening I baked an apple and sultana cake for Peter to use up some apples that were getting wrinkly. I put in plenty of cinnamon and mixed spice and the slice I tested was very nice. I also did some sewing listening to the radio.


1 comment:

happyone said...

The blooms look so pretty. We got more snow yesterday and today it's sunny but very cold.