Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 19 March 2022


Today's photo for Ukraine is the heartwarming sight of a convoy of rescue vehicles on its way to Ukraine from Portugal which together with medical supplies and rescue equipment will be donated to the Ukrainian nation.
Here we have had beautiful weather. The light wind developed into a good drying wind and I was able to dry several loads of washing. Which are now dry, ironed and put away which is very satisfying.
This morning I washed all the laminate flooring something I don't often have to do. A daily going over with a dry mop/swiffer is usually enough.
Being such a lovely day of course I had to find something to do outside so I turned my attention to the back garden. My first job was to fit a bar across the bottom of the last piece of trellis. Now that the garage is in a slightly more organised state it was easier to find all the tools and screws I needed to screw all the loose bits of trellis to the beam. I may fix it where it is now unless I come up with a better idea. I then had a fun time weeding including some almost empty looking pots. I am nothing if not optimistic when it comes to plants and at least now they look tidy.
It was a bit cooler on the terrace but I couldn't resist sitting in the sun with a mug of coffee. The first patch of sun hit the terrace at 12.30 and remained until 4.00 which I know will be a terrible temptation for me. However there was ironing to do though that that was still in view of the beach. 


1 comment:

happyone said...

Nice to see that convoy. :)