Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 3 July 2022


After a little drizzle today has been sunny with a few clouds.
I woke very early this morning, 3.45 to be exact and by 5.00 I was in the kitchen making a cup of tea and wondering why there was a group of 5 young people walking along the coast path towards the village. Had they been up all night and walked the 7 miles from town or were they also early risers? I'd had to get up because not only were the usual aches making themselves felt (I discovered this evening that I'd been so tired last night I'd fallen asleep before taking the last round of pills - shows I need them.) but yesterday's treat of falafel from Tesco's wasn't helping. I have a keen sense of smell/taste and the taste of cheap industrial cooking oil filled my mouth. I can still taste it now but this morning it was most unpleasant. I shall not be tempted to buy supermarket falafel again.
At least getting up so early meant that I got the breakfast things ready, did my Duo Lingo and went on the exercise bike as well as swiffering the floors (Peter usually does that), cleaned the shower and put some stuff in the washing machine all before a leisurely late breakfast.
I gave myself and the neighbours a break from the banging of my block cleaning and instead took myself off for a walk along the beach. There I came across a number of different kinds of jellyfish. (Above) Compass jellyfish have a painful sting, a bit worse than stinging nettles while the moon jellyfish (below) doesn't sting.
This was the first time I've seen cyanea lamarckii a very pretty blue jellyfish. This one looks a bit sandy from where I had to flip it over with my boot as I rightly guessed the hairy looking blue tentacles have a nasty sting.

I had a bit of fun imagining pictures within the random strands of seaweed left on the sand.
And what about this one? An octopus or a seated lion holding a gift basket?
Back home I planned to finally do some alterations to an over-large vest-top. I'd bought it as part of a 2 piece set in a sale last year mainly for the other top. But after some pinning and trying on I decided to abandon the whole plan and give it to the charity shop as the top is semi-see-through and I can't see me ever achieving a slim enough tum to wear it. Instead I took the orchids outside and yet again sprayed and wiped to get rid of the wolly aphids. I'm getting fed up with the aphids, I'll keep on until the end of the summer and if they're still there I may get rid of the orchids. For the time being I'm going to see if I have a shady spot in the garden where I can put the orchids out for the summer.

1 comment:

happyone said...

So interesting to see the different kinds of jellyfish!! They first one is quite pretty.