Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 9 November 2023

Changing Plans.

Lots and lots and lots of rain today.
There were some dry spells a few of which were sunny which had me looking for rainbows. And I found two.
Why the title you might be wondering? Fortunately nothing to do with the building work, just a change around to my usual weekly schedule. Having found out last night that today the builders would be fitting skirting boards in our bedroom and hacking plaster off some of the walls in the sitting room I thought it best not to go to choir but to spend the evening rearranging things in the bedroom. 
This morning I moved everything either out of the rooms or to one side so that when the builders came they could move the heavy furniture. Taking the plaster off the walls by the French doors was going to be a messy job but luckily it was possible to seal off the openings to the hall and kitchen with plastic dust sheets and the cardboard packaging from the shower screen. When the builder took the plaster off he found that the walls were so damp some of the bricks had rotted away. We will need to have an extra damp course injected into the walls from the outside because the terrace slabs are above the original damp course. We would have had it dealt with at the time had we known.
By the end of the day the walls had been tanked and the skirting boards done in the bedroom and elsewhere. The builder will be coming back next week to plaster the walls in the sitting room but that shouldn't be too messy.
Being Thursday it is of course Zoom day. We got ourselves sorted, went on-line and waited, and waited. Eventually we got an email from out tutor cancelling the lesson because she had lost her internet connection. No doubt something to do with the exceptionally heavy rain. I don't think either of us would have been in much of a mood for concentrating anyway. Peter is finding all the upheaval quite stressful and I don't think it helped when I put all his scattered clothes into clear plastic bags. When we first got here I had organised all his clothes in labelled storage tubs but he refused to put anything back in the boxes and insisted on keeping his clothes in piles. that was his choice and I had no intention of being responsible for his clothes. I found a really nice chest of drawers on-line but no he didn't want to keep his clothes in drawers either. Now he'll just have to hunt through the bags.
As well as missing our Welsh class I also cancelled disco aerobics as I knew I needed to be putting the rooms back to some sort of usable state once the builders left and I'm certainly in no state to do that after an hour of leaping about with wild abandon. 
By evening the place was in some sort of order and lovely and warm now that we don't have constantly open doors. I can hardly believe that after one more day's work most of the inside building work will be done. It's only taken four years. 
I love a silver sea.

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