Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 30 November 2023

So Cold.

It's been bitterly cold today. But there was enough wind to make it worth hanging some washing out on the line.
There was a good frost in the front garden this morning and because the sun doesn't reach there at this time of year the frost lingered on for most of the day. This was mitigated by the sight of the bright sun shining out at sea and basically everywhere else.
Even the pond had a layer of ice. I was glad that the jasmine in the back garden was already protected with garden fleece. This was the jasmine that had started off as a house plant but needed to be outside when it got bigger. In general I avoid plants that need special protection preferring plants that look after themselves.
Peter took my defunct lawnmower to the dump this morning and got caught up in horrendous traffic. There are only a few ways into town and one of them had been partially closed which caused the whole town to become grid locked. When he saw the long lines of stationary cars he turned round and came home instead of going to Morrisons. People were posting on-line that they had been stuck in traffic for nearly an hour. Apparently it was because they were cleaning the railway track that crosses the road. The roads are supposed to be back to normal at 6.00am tomorrow so hopefully I won't have any problems when I go into town after riding.
Before Peter left I cut down the last of the giant lettuce stalks and the Michaelmas daisy stems to fill a bag for him to take as well. I just love getting rid of stuff.
At one point in the morning the air was filled with the sound of a couple fighter jets doing manoeuvres overhead.  Even though they were very high up at times the noise was horrendous. I can only imagine what it must be like in war torn regions when there is every possibility that they could be dropping bombs or missiles.

In our Welsh class today we finally got to use my. The reason it has taken so long to get to possessive pronouns is that ..... you've guessed it, they cause a mutation of the noun. But not the same mutation. Today we only did my which causes a nasal mutation for any noun beginning with T,C,P,B,D or G. And you put a short word after the noun as well. That's for formal language but when speaking people often skip the mutation or put my after the noun which doesn't cause a mutation. And then I've been looking ahead and your (singular) and his or her cause soft mutations to words beginning with the original 6 and another 3 letters. Your (plural) causes no mutation and our and their add an h if the noun begins with a vowel.
I did the ironing after class looking out at the sunny view. Later it was dark and very cold as I walked down to the hall for aerobics. My glowing necklace went down a treat, even got a clap from everybody else. With the charities Christmas fair on in the hall on Saturday Santa's Grotto is already being constructed on the stage behind the curtains and our teacher kept bumping into the decorations as she leapt about in the limited space. The village itself is beginning to show signs of Christmas too. The tree, which is nearly as tall as a lamp post was delivered yesterday evening and is now upright and there are lights in or on some of the houses. It's not surprising we have such a generous tree when you consider that there are forests of conifers less than 10 miles away.
(Taken from the web) Yr Wyddfa/ Snowdon today.

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