Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 2 November 2023


It has been very wet and windy today but we have escaped the worst of Storm Ciaran with none of the gigantic waves or hurricane force winds that have caused so much flooding and damage in other  parts of the country. The latest reports are that the storm is moving northwards up the east coast of England.
However the windy conditions outside are making me wonder if we should reconsider our plans for a glass balustrade across the terrace. Maybe it would be better to have a simple wire fence like this. Nothing like as stylish as glass and we would lose both the clear view and some shelter on sunny but windy summer days. I'm going to have a close look at the houses that have glass balustrades on the way to the hall for aerobics.
Meanwhile here at bathroom central the lino has arrived and the wall tiles are going up. Tiling has changed a lot since my days of major DIY. For a start the tiles don't go on from floor level up but from half-way up and then down using the laser beam level marker to line up the first row. Then there are these fancy plastic spacers that include external disc clamps that go over adjoining tiles to make sure they are all perfectly level. The builder has found a nice fancy dado rail that mimics the ridged border tiles in the blue loo. He also brought me a bit of spare white counter top, white with grey flecks and some sparkle too, that is just big enough for the extra vanity unit base. That will do.
Most of my day has been spent making cups of tea, mending and carrying on with the crocheting.
The stipa tenuissima looks absolutely wonderful blowing in the wind.
I drove down to the hall for aerobics in case we had another downpour afterwards though it stayed dry and I wished I had walked as I enjoy being out in the wind.


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