Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Zoo Day.

No rain today and there's even been some sun which shone like a spotlight through the clouds lighting up tiny portions of the landscape.
I was up in good time today and started the day with a mug of tea sitting outside. It's getting colder so I had to put on an extra layer over my fluffy dressing gown. Not a glamourous look but it kept me warm.
I even painted the last coat on the bathroom door before breakfast. I'll scrutinise the walls to see if I need to do any touching up with the blue paint before putting the ladder away. Which I shall do with a great sigh of relief.
With everything on schedule and the weather dry I took myself off to the zoo. There I went round all the planted up areas pulling out stray weeds. I did three hours, chatted to one of the other volunteers and then came home
A spider plant and, at his suggestion, Peter's oystercatcher went on the bathroom window sill softening up the décor. I have since added one of my glass paperweights, a large one with bubbles that isn't quite the cobalt blue of the others but I haven't decided if it's going to stay there. I've also added two hooks to the bathroom door. That sounds a simple job but by the time I'd found the drill and a small bit for the guide holes, then a slightly bigger one (my diy style is sort of trial and error) then found a small enough screwdriver, then some different screws because the first ones burred (twice) it took me a while.
Off soon to Pilates and then for supper afterwards Peter has made a sauerkraut, cabbage, potato, and sausage casserole. Just the thing for a winter's evening.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Isn't it great to have a husband who likes to cook. :)