Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Wednesday 29 November 2023


A crisp, cold sunny day today.
It must have been raining in the night as the terrace was wet first thing. I still had my mug of tea in the fresh air sitting just inside the doorway with the door open. As the sky lightened there was a great flock of noisy gulls wheeling overhead then instead of their usual commute southwards along the coast they headed inland. Maybe a farmer was muck spreading, something that always attracts gulls.
The cold makes the air much clearer. Using the highly accurate method of builders' tape measure held up against Google Maps I calculate this sheep farm on the edge of Snowdonia to be around 8kms away.
After all the hustle and bustle of the last few weeks it seemed very quiet at home especially as I didn't need to go to the zoo today. Instead I concentrated on tidying up all those piles of items that had accumulated in various corners and then spent more time crocheting as I didn't get as much done over the year as I had hoped and need to get a wriggle on as they say.
Off to choir later on, that is after Peter brings the car home from its winter service.


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