Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 25 November 2023


It's turning quite cold. This morning there was frost to be seen on any roofs that the sun hadn't got to and some on the grass in the front garden.

I love having a whole day when I don't need to go out though I probably wouldn't feel that way if I never did things away from home. Today I have sorted through my store of Christmas cards, checked through the lists of who has already had which card (I tend to buy packs of cards in the January sales) and written them all out. It's good to keep in touch with friends and there's nothing like a card arriving in the post but I can well understand why people find the cost of posting cards too much.
I also made a start on the mirror frame. I say start because what I thought would be a simple job wasn't at all straightforward. First I discovered that I need one more strip of moulding as originally I had only planned to go round three sides. Then Peter wasn't sure how to adjust his chop saw and had me trying to saw a 45 degree cut by hand, something which is far beyond my capabilities. With some hints from me he worked out how to change the angle of the blade and I was given a lesson on how to use the chop saw. The next issue was that the saw would only turn to cut one way because there's a cupboard fixed to the wall in the way and I need to cut in both directions as cutting the wood from the front made it shatter. I'll buy another strip of wood next Friday and if the cupboard isn't off the wall by then I'll get it down, one way or another. With that project on hold I fitted the pipe covers I'd bought to the copper pipes going to the radiators from the floor. I thought the covers would be soft plastic that you could cut with scissors but they are hard plastic and had to be sawn to size. Three radiators needed doing and they look so much better now.

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