Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 20 February 2012

Back To School.

It was frosty this morning and not good for gardening but that suited me as I needed to spend time working out the dance steps for our War of the Worlds dance. It has to be simple enough so that every child in the class can cope with it but still needs to make a good show as we will be dancing in front of other schools. So far I've worked out the steps for the first 2 mins but then it goes a bit more free-style with the children waving their arms in time to the music, hopefully. It warmed up considerably in the afternoon but as the evening drew in the sky became overcast and gloomy with a thin wind. I was not tempted to go out for an hour of gardening.
Before heading home tonight I went to get some petrol. While I was waiting at the traffic lights a fat duck wandered across from the stream by Pilton Park. It disappeared from view between the waiting cars but then turned and started crossing back to the park. Luckily the next car to turn the corner was not driving as fast as the previous car (which would have flattened the duck) and laughing, the driver stopped to let the silly duck cross. Actually it wasn't a duck it was a drake, are males generally dafter ?


HappyK said...

There is a place around here where the ducks are known for crossing and they have put up a duck crossing sign!!! : )

Ruta M. said...

They could do with a duck sign at those traffic lights. The ducks hang around on the pavement and low wall like a gang of teenagers. In some places we have toad crossing signs and in Braunton people go out on toad patrol to move the toads off the road. I've had to do that here when they decide to wander down the drive. Squashed toad would be yuck.