Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Monday 19 March 2012

Being a Mum.

Part of being a parent is that you suffer when things go wrong for your children. It's poor Linas again. We had thought he had a good 6 months to go in his IT job but Head Office decided to outsource his job and he has been made redundant. They did give him a generous redundancy package considering how short a time he has been there but of course it doesn't make up for losing your job in these difficult times. At least he has more work experience and projects to add to his CV and he is with a specialist IT job agency so hopefully it won't take so long for him to find another job. But of course as his mum I will worry.

It was a clear starry night last night which led to a fairly heavy frost in the morning. Luckily I had heard the weather forecast and moved several tubs of trailing geraniums back into the conservatory after the recent milder weather had fooled me into thinking it was safe to put them out.
It didn't take long for the morning to warm up and I sat on the front doorstep with a cup of fresh coffee revelling in the warmth and peace. It is at times like these that I find it hard to imagine leaving this place and I have to remind myself about the cold winters and the LARGE bills.
Now that the biggest garden jobs have been done I can generally find something to do in the sun. Today's job was to tidy up the stones on one of the raised beds. This involved picking up every leaf and worse still all the little sticks that were once the honeysuckle leaves. If ever there was a good example of 'A stitch in time saves nine.' it is those leaves. Once fallen each very quickly decays leaving a number of these small sticks. I so should clear them while they are all in one piece.

It was off to school for work in the afternoon and then while my colleagues stayed in school for the first of 2 Parents' evenings I popped to the shop and then came home to enjoy the afternoon sun streaming through the windows. As I sat typing an email I noticed a movement out in the trees beyond the garden. Intrigued I grabbed a pair of binoculars and went outside. At first I could see nothing then suddenly something moved across my vision. My first thought was 'It's a llama's bottom! Then I revised that to 'An ostrich?!!' then I realised my brain hadn't quite calibrated the scale and I was looking at either an escaped chicken from the farm up the valley or more likely a fat hen pheasant. Whatever it was then moved out of sight and hasn't made an appearance since.

1 comment:

happyone said...

Sorry to hear that Linas has lost his job. Hopefully something better will open up.