Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 17 October 2021


We had heavy rain in the night which by morning had died down and left us with a light breeze. That tempted me to hang the jeans out on the line but when I stepped out to take the photo af the lifeboatmen out training below I realised the sea mist was making everything wet again and the jeans came back in.
The sea mist persisted all day and by 5pm when I took the photo below there was very little to see out in the bay.
It was gloomy enough for me to put the central heating and Speedy soon found his favourite hot spot.
Today's progress has mainly been Peter's work. He planed down the doors which had swollen to the point that it was difficult to close them. Not the best thing if you want to be alone or prefer not to be woken in the night by a cat sitting on your face. They had swollen in this damp weather because they haven't been painted across the top or bottom. This will mean taking the doors off their hinges to get at the bottoms. Peter also fixed the latch in my door. Not wanting to get trapped in the room I'd taken out the latch when it begun to stick but had been unable to find a similar part either on-line or in the local shops. But Peter spotted that Magnet had a good range of fittings and sure enough they had one that would do, which he bought and fitted today. While he was doing all that I did my piano and guitar practice and my Welsh homework.
Then the postman rang the doorbell, it still surprises me that the postmen work on Sundays, and delivered the upholstery tacks. So we hung up the rug on the hall wall. Hopefully the bottom will flatten out eventually. It does make the hall a little darker but I like this rug for sentimental reasons. It reminds me of the home where we brought up our boys especially alongside the furniture. This place will continue to feel a bit stark until shelves and pictures go up.
To end the afternoon I did some felting while watching tv with a break when Peter spotted a couple of dolphins close inshore. They kept surfacing slowly as they moved along the coast but I still failed to get a photo.


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