Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 28 October 2021


Still mild and grey today and often wet too. At least this morning although the sky was grey the sea was distinctly green, kind of a light avocado with a streak of dark denim below the horizon. As we ate our breakfast things turned gloomy returning the sea to greyness once more. However there were nice big waves to watch and from mid-day the sea was speckled with eager surfers.
I had planned to tog up and work in the back garden but by the time I'd finished the usual jobs and the washing machine beeped to say the washing was ready to hang out rain had set in. Peter had gone off to shop in town so I did my music practice until he returned. Then although the rain had stopped I didn't feel like gardening and went for a beach walk instead. If it rained while I was out I could carry on while there's a limit to how keen I am to dig in the wet.
Not many people on the beach, far fewer than were in the water. It wasn't long after high tide which meant walking or rather stumbling over the shingle for most of the walk. I would prefer to be gazing out to sea rather than keeping my eyes down to scan the uneven ground. The dead seal is still there and it has begun to stink, yuck. We saw on Tuesday that the birds have started feeding on it returning it back into the food chain so hopefully it will be gone soon.
On my way back I picked up a large stick to take home. It was a third longer than a walking stick and about the width of three walking sticks bound together so it came in handy as an oversized walking stick. That was until a small border terrier ran up to say hello and then decided he wanted the stick. Not wanting to give up my find I carried on walking towing small dog attached to stick along behind me. Its owner was on his phone and didn't notice even when we walked past him. In the end I found a smaller stick and gave that to the dog instead.
The first few drops of rain began falling as I passed the Lifeboat Station and continued falling lightly until I got home. By the time I'd changed out of my walking clothes and made a cup of coffee it had become a deluge and I could hardly see out across the bay. I ended the afternoon with some cycling on the exercise bike. That's never a chore when there's such a wonderful view and the tv to watch.

Time for the end house to touch up its light blue paint I think. I did wonder about choosing a dramatic colour for our bungalow but the red roof tiles rule out most colours so white it will be.

1 comment:

happyone said...

The dog at the end of your walking stick made me laugh!! :)
I like the bright colors on the houses.