Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 7 October 2021


Overcast  and incredibly warm today. The thermomter on the back garden wall read 19C/66F. There was a warm wind, enough to dry yesterday's washing including a towel.
After breakfast I worked in the back garden for a while clearing up in the beginnings of the new herb garden. I bagged up the rubble and also the subsoil which I dug out of the hole. That left about 4 inches which I filled with soil from another part of the garden. The rubble and subsoil will eventually end up in the front garden raised beds when they get built. Now I have to wait for Peter to break up more of the concrete.
While Wednesday is Zoo Day, Thursday is Zoom Day when we make our tenuous steps towards learning Welsh. Today we learnt some numbers, practised those tricky new sounds and had fun with a brief conversation (Welsh people don't have brief conversations) between a policeman and a motorist and yes, the policeman said "Hello, hello, hello." or should I say "Helo, helo, helo." (Actually he said both.) After the lesson I rushed out to take the washing off the line as the sea mist was starting to roll in. After a break, all that concentrating is quite tiring you know, I rewrote our Welsh vocbulary on fancy blank business cards I'd ordered for the purpose.
I had an ordinary Michaelmas daisy at Dingles but this new one that I bought from Devon is an intense purple. I was unable to catch the colour with my camera but check out 'Indigo' on the colour chart below. That's the correct shade and it contrasts wonderfully with the golden feverfew growing next to it. I like golden feverfew so when self sown seedlings began to appear in the garden I saved some to grow on.

We had some waves for a while in the afternoon which brought out the surfers but then they went home again when the waves died down.


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