Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Sunday 3 October 2021


Wild and windy with heavy showers today. A day for kite surfers who were out taking advantage of the wind. At one point there were five of them racing across the waves. We only saw one surfer, bodyboarder and kayaker as we ate our breakfast. It was still dry and warm enough for me to sit outside with a cup of coffee after breakfast, didn't even need to put a bodywarmer on. 
Our old bones were creaking mightily this morning for while the lads had done the heavy work we'd moved a few boxes around too. There was time for a more leidurely breakfast (once I'd dragged myself out of bed) and I treated Peter to a fry up; bacon, black pudding, egg, mushrooms and tomatoes while I had croissants. While I was watching the frying pan I saw with horror speckles of fat over the black glass hob, (grease is my pet hate in the kitchen), so I protected what I could with paper towels which I then used for wiping out the frying pan before washing. Couldn't do that with a gas or standard electric burner.
I intended to have a restful day but ended up getting quite a lot done. First of all I pulled out the three drawers from my filing cabinet and had a proper sort out as I emptied out one of yesterday's boxes that had my stuff in. Then I did some baking to replenish Peter's supply of biscuits and after all that I had a rest in the sitting room.
My final job was to hang up this mirror in the hall. I had to use two picture hooks on either side because there's an electric wire running down the middle of the wall to a socket below. Now when we walk into the hall we get the sea reflected in the mirror. Just need to find something suitable to go on the cupboard.

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