Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Thursday 21 January 2021


The heavy rain has passed and it's got quite chilly hence the snow up on the mountains. Last night while the rain was at its worst I could see blue lights on the road at the far end of the village. That turned out to be the emergency services pumping water from the around the houses back out and over the sea wall on to the beach.
Today's bright sunshine tempted me out for a walk. Low tide isn't until after 9.00 tonight so I went straight out after breakfast. That wasn't too early as last night I stayed up to try and get a Wickes delivery slot as soon as they came available after 12.00. I had my form all set up and ready to go at midnight but there was nothing to be had. I tried a number of times in case it took a while for the slots to get onto the system but no. I'll keep on trying but even if I wanted to drive 120 miles to the nearest store I don't think it would be allowed under the current restrictions.
Down on the beach the wind was so sharp I stopped to pop in my ear plugs under my headband and woolly hat before walking back along the beach to take some photos. Suddenly I realised my (lightly silvered) sunglasses were missing. I retraced my steps right back up on to the road where I'd stopped to change the battery in my camera but there was no sign of the glasses. That was a shame as those glasses keep the sharp wind from my eyes. Back onto the beach I went trying to take the same route over the stones and then following my footsteps across the sand but still no glasses. In the end I gave up and decided to do some litter picking as I'd brought along a plastic bag and one disposable glove (from the two boxes I bought at the start of the pandemic). I picked up a few items and there, half hidden by the sea foam were my glasses. Big sigh of relief. A reward for my litter picking perhaps? Suddenly there was a large yellow plastic sack being washed in by the waves which once I'd emptied the water out became my new rubbish bag. I carried on picking up every bit of plastic I could find until the bag was half-full and fairly heavy due to the lengths of rope I'd found. Mostly it was plastic pieces, some bottles, plant pots, a shotgun cartridge and bottle tops. Only a small amount of the fine fishing net which causes horrendous damage to wildlife. I really must buy a litter picker (stick) as all that bending down wasn't good for my back. 
You might be able to spot it if you enlarge the picture below but when I first looked down on the beach I thought there was a dead seal pup lying on the sand but happily when I got down there it turned out to be a log that was the same size, shape and colour as a seal pup.
No plasterers or painters today which is understandable with all the flooding around the place. There are still 200 flood warnings over the country with 5 at 'severe' which means danger to life.
I had another fun hour playing my piano in the afternoon and that has been my day.
As usual I got excited by the sight of a rainbow and the ever changing colours of the sea.


1 comment:

happyone said...

Yes, I agree that you were rewarded for your good deed. :) So glad you found the glasses again.