Welcome to family, friends and visitors. Here you will find interesting (hopefully) pictures of my part of the world, news of our household and probably, long ramblings about anything that catches my interest.

Saturday 2 January 2021

One of Those Days.

I'm still getting a thrill at seeing snow up on the hills. Today's air was chilly and Peter reported frost early on but rain set in and by the time I wandered out to the terrace at 8.00 the only sign was a sprinkle of frost in some of the planters. 
As to the plasterers, well ............... . Once again we were up early and a text from the plumber saying he would see us soon had us convinced they would be with us today. But no, not a sign of any plumber. Aaargh!
By 9.30, before we had given up all hope of seeing the plumbers, I decided to head into town. Got into the car, turned the key and all that happened was a slight moan from the engine before a lot of nothing. I've had enough experience to recognise the signs of a dead battery and to know I wasn't going anywhere. Annoyingly it's a fairly new battery but Peter thinks that leaving the lead for the SatNav plugged in was enough to drain the battery in this cold weather. So he put the battery on charge and it should be fine for tomorrow. I've also put my phone on charge and will make sure I have it with me tomorrow in case I have to phone the AA. I've always said I don't care too much about the look or style of any vehicle I own as long as it gets me from A to B and starts every time. Not doing too well on the second point then.
While I had my coat on I thought I'd walk down to the shop to get some milk as we were running short. Stepped out of the door into freezing rain but undeterred I plodded on. At the shop I picked up a bottle of milk from the usual place and was then charged almost £2 because it was organic milk instead of the usual £1.30. I paid up because I didn't have the energy to go back and see if they had any ordinary milk but I don't think they did. At least we were supporting a local farmer and it wasn't raining for the walk back home.
After such a wonderful start to the day and sore ribs I gave up for the rest of the day and watched tv from the dust sheet covered sofa. Oh, that was after we measured up the back garden so that Peter can order the posts and planks for the replacement fence.


1 comment:

happyone said...

These workers remind me of "The Rileys" from Faulty Towers. :)